Go deeper in your Bible study with a monthly journal, daily rhythms tracker, Bible genres, translations overview, prayer prompts and more. 

Let’s get real for a second…



  • Do you find yourself constantly avoiding opening your Bible because you don't know where to start?


  • Have you ever felt like you wasted 15 minutes of your morning because you don't understand a single thing you just read?


  • Do you feel embarrassed that you don't know where to start in learning more about God and His word because “you should know by now”?


  • Have you felt ashamed when people ask you basic questions about your faith because you don't know the answers - or even HOW to find the answers?

Me too

I get it. I was raised in Church, became a Christian as a child, grew up and got married before I realized I actually didn't know how to read God's word for myself. 


It's a sobering feeling to realize that your faith actually isn't yours. It's just a product of what your parents passed down to you. 


On the surface, I knew all the right answers but the truth was I was an adult Christian, still on milk. 


By the time I entered my thirties, I knew something had to change. If I was going to claim I was a Christian, I needed to KNOW and BELIEVE the Bible for myself. 


Are you ready to make your faith your own?  

  • To dive into God's word yourself so you no longer have to solely rely on other people's opinions?
  • To have answers to those questions you have been wrestling with?
  • To grow in your love for God and His word and grow in confidence in your faith?

Hey there! I'm Shai!

I remember early in my marriage when my husband would ask me questions about my faith and the only response I could give him was, “It’s in the Bible.” My face would flush with embarrassment and anger when he would ask me where. 


It was in those early years of marriage and motherhood that I quickly realized I didn’t actually know how to talk about my faith because I didn’t know what I believed.


I knew I needed to read the Bible, but I had no idea where to start.


So, I began reading all the books ABOUT the Bible and listening to preachers but I had no way of feeding myself. I was relying on others and it was overwhelming, and if I am being completely honest - scary.


After I got into my thirties my husband and I finally got on the same page. We acknowledged how little we knew about God’s word for ourselves and knew it was imperative that we start reading the Bible and leaving no questions off the table.


The last several years have no doubt been hard, but oh, so sweet.


Now I am able to say without a doubt that I know how to read the Bible and go find answers to any questions I have. I can study with confidence - no longer relying solely on others to tell me what I believe.


My passion is to teach Christian women how to read and study God’s word for themselves without the fluffy, shallow “feel good” spectacles. 


Just a deep dive into God’s word.


Introducing the "Bible Study Journal eBook for Beginners"

How to transform your Bible reading from a boring 'to-do list' into a daily rhythm that will help you grow in your knowledge of Christ even if you've never read your Bible before.


What's included in your journal eBook?

A 30 day printable/digital journal that will help you ask the right questions so you can have a deeper understanding of what you're reading.

Overview of the books in the Bible so you can choose exactly where you want to start reading.

Daily Rhythms Tracker so you can set yourself up for success by establishing rhythms around reading your Bible.

Bible Translations 101 - a slideshow and video presentation with printables where I give you an overview of the different translations - how we go them, how they are translated, and questions to ask when deciding which translation you should be reading.

5-Step Beginner's Guide PLUS video teaching to go over each point so you can stay focused during your Bible reading time.

Prayer Prompts so you can write out who you are praying for so you can stay focused while you're praying. A blank template is also available so you can customize it to fit your needs.


My favorite part?


 Everything is ONE place - no links to keep up with. Have all your resources in one printable download that you can resuse every single month.

What others are saying

“Shai has been a source of biblical wisdom and help for me for years now. Her heart to see people live a real and true life with Jesus is beautiful and tireless. She has a razor sharp focus and determination  to anything she chooses to do, and her tools for diving deeper into the Bible are truly researched, prayed over, and desperately needed."


“When it came to reading the Bible I was easily overwhelmed. I never felt like I understood it and never felt comfortable asking. It didn't take long before I knew Shai was the person to ask. She was so kind and never once acted like my questions were stupid. She has guided me in so many ways to learn the Bible, understand the Bible, and actually want to read the Bible."


“Shai is a wonderful educator and mentor. She has a genuine heart for teaching the Word and a desire to shepherd other women in their studies. Whether you're a baby Christian or farther along in your journey, Shai offers fantastic tips and encouragement for studying the Bible.”


“This entire bundle makes me fall in love with the Bible all over again.”


My Bible Study Journal eBook for Beginners will help you… 


Set daily rhythms that will orchestrate your routines so that having time to read your Bible happens naturally.


Have clarity of where to start reading your Bible.


Ask simple but effective questions to ask to enhance your learning of what you're reading.


Have an overall view of not only why reading your Bible is important but how to do it


Understand what you are reading so you no longer have to solely rely on other people's interpretions.


Create daily prayer prompts to help you stay focused while you're praying.


Typically for everything included in this journal eBook, you would pay $88.

When you purchase today, you'll get the discount price of the Bible Study Journal eBook for just $19!

Typically $88 but today you can get it for just $19!

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Once your purchase is made, we're committed to providing you with immediate access to valuable content and resources that will help you succeed.

If you have any questions or concerns along the way, we are dedicated to assisting you every step of the journey.



  • Click the button that says “BUY NOW” to purchase & take advantage of this low price.
  • Fill in your payment information and submit the form.
  • Wait for an email to pop up in your inbox (hit refresh if you don’t see it within 5 minutes) to access your bundle.
  • Dive into the different resources so you can start reading your Bible today!

What are you waiting for? Grab your bundle now!